
Currently we export to: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Ireland, Iceland …

See products below.

Firewood packed in various weights 5kg,10kg and 20kg

We specialize to pack in Client's own branded bags.

750-900mm Long piece Firewood packed in 20kg bags

doring firewood

650kg Firewood crated, strapped and wrapped

firewood in crate
firewood in a crate

4kg Acacia lump charcoal

made from invader bush, long burning no or little spark. Best for Barbecue.


4kg Acacia Briquettes and 5kg Acacia lump charcoal

made from invader bush. long burning no or little spark. Best for Barbecue.


We Export...

Kameeldoring, Sekelbos, Mopane and Bluegum Firewood, packed to your needs. Paletised or hand packed in 20 or 40ft containers.

Acacia Charcoal. Produce by kilurn or earth method packed to your needs.

Complete the form below and we will contact you to discuss